Find YOUR Freedom...

Cross-Country trip to PROVE chronic illness can be a stepping stone to something greater!


Find YOUR Freedom

Follow the link... interact with the spirit of helping people find their way when they have gotten off the path... no matter how the "symptoms" present themselves!

Whatever is happening in your life IS DIVINELY GUIDED to help you take that next step.

Don't let FEAR win!
Don't allow other's opinions sway your calling!
Don't give in to false securities of what's "normal"!
Don't fall into the same patterns of mistakes & misguided truths!


When SPIRIT is calling you, directing you, AND giving you the means... do you say, "Hold on, I have to do _________ first?"

OR once I have __________ then I can ___________?

It's time, it IS your DIVINE waking you up... will you listen, will you take INSPIRED ACTION, or will you keep doing the same thing expecting different results?

Call for a FREE 30 minute COACHING Session 260.494.0062!

Get a break from all the nay-sayers, get a truly objective overview of your life's path AND everything that has brought you to this MAGIC moment to FINALLY take the road less traveled!

FYI: the reason "the road is less traveled" is because most let FEAR drive, guide, and ultimately make all the wrong decisions.

Can you afford to keep creating the same mistakes and repeating the same generational patterns and even worse passing forward to your children the same ancestral patterns that show again and again.

What is it worth to you to be the STOP that won't allow FEAR to get in the way and the patterns to continue?

Cheers to Living Your Bliss, Your Truest Authentic Self, & resolving all the mis-truths that have plagued you and the generations that passed it onto you.

Much love,
Julie Danette

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